Opinion: Desperate Attempts to Equall The Achievements of John Mahama and the NDC Failing...
In a desperate attempt by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to match up with the unprecedented achievements of former President John Dramani Mahama (JM)...
Is this What We Promised Ghanaians?
My Fellow Patriots,
The thoughts expressed in this piece are entirely mine and they are on a serious note. This post is all about, what...
The Sheer Folly Of The Empty Coconuts (Ken & Wontumi) and The Family of...
Once again I come your way with this episode of what I call
“fighting the battle of my kinsmen in the midst of hate”....
Direct Your Frustration Towards The Government Of The Day- Zion Abdul Rauf To Iddi...
Iddi Adam Osman, a Communication Team member of the New
Patriotic Party NPP) and a Tutor of the Ndewura Jakpa Senior
High/Technical School (NDESCO)...
The Enviable Personality Of John Dramani Mahama
John Dramani Mahama famously call JM is a humble honest man who is known by all and sundry across the length and breadth...
Let Us Replant The “Salavaged” Rosewood Now Or the Next Generation Will Surf the...
Our vegetation was rich and well stocked by nature with all
species of trees, until the invasion of masked professional loggers who
came with...
Decentralising Departments of The Six Newly Created Regions- Savannah Region in Perspective
Come to think of it, its an excellent and brilliant idea which may not be feasible for Savannah Region considering the scattered nature of...
The Story of How a Snake Bite Primary School Pupil of Tailorpe Primary...
I was about to retire to bed on a quiet Monday, late on the
night of 1st July, 2019 when I got a call...
One Day People Will Know The Truth, And Your Tears Will Be Wiped
He who laughs last the elders say laughs best, I saw Nana Addo's laughter in his office when he was informed of his victory.
Placing All Regional Administrative Departments in Damongo the Regional Capital is the Right Thing...
Whiles one may say that it is government's policy to
decentralize all administrative departments among the various municipal
and district capitals in the six...