The Sakpari (Muslim Clan of Gonjas) led by their Traditional head (Yagbon Imam) Mallam Kassim called on the King of Gonja Yagbonwura Tuntumba Bore-Essa (I) at the Jakpa Palace in Damongo to offer prayers for Allah’s blessings and guidance for a successful leadership so far as King of Gonja since 2010.

As part of activities at the Jakpa Palace, the Muslim Clerics held a short ceremony on the 10th of March, 2021 to pray for long life for the King whilst following the COVID-19 Protocols.
The Prayers were offered to seek more blessings and protection from the Almighty Allah for the King to continue to deliver his good works.
His Royal Majesty Yagbonwura Tuntumba Bore- Essa (I) used the opportunity to call for Peace and Rapid Development in the Savannah Region.
The special prayer also focused on government to create additional districts in the Savannah Region to enhance decentralization and decision making process to accelerate development of the region.
His Majesty Yagbonwura Tuntumba Bore- Essa (I) since acending onto the Yagbon throne has achieved a lot for the Gonja Kingdom.
The Overlord was very instrumental in the creation of the Savannah Region by petitioning central government and expressing interest for a region to be credited and named Savannah Region to the benefit of the Kingdom.
His Majesty by dint of hard work gave the Jakpa palace an overwhelming facelift of the physical structures of the palace to meet modern standards
As a peace loving King, he played a very instrumental role in the Dagbon chieftaincy resolution process and many others that emanated from his own Kingdom.
The King supported by his able council of elders resolved the Capenter – Jugboi Chieftaincy Dispute, the Bole Chieftaincy Dispute, the Sonyor chieftaincy Dispute and many more.
Yagbonwura as revered, and seen as epitome of tradition and culture His unmatched achievements was recognized by Poltava University of Economics and Trade Ukraine and awarded the King an honorary professor of peace and Development.
The Sakpari ended the session by calling on Allah to add more years and guide the King and his council of elders with wisdom and courage to bring more. Development to the Savannah Region.