The Ghana Statistical Services (GSS) has organised a two day training workshop for some journalists in the six Northern Regions of the North for the upcoming 2021 population and Housing Census.
The program which was held at the Global Dreams Hotel in Tamale on 1st and 2nd February, 2021 and attended by Bole based Nkilgi FM gathered journalists from Radio and Television stations to engage them on how the 2021 population and Housing Census will be done.
At the forum, the government statistician and Chief Census officer, Professor Samuel Kobina Annim told the journalists to collaborate with the Ghana Statistical Services to bring the forthcoming 2021 population census to a success.

Professor Samuel Kobina Annim also told them to feel free to confront their respective Regional and District statistician for any update or information the need for publication.
He added that, journalists are the fourth arm of government and for that matter, they should always provide the public or their listeners and viewers with accurate information.
Professor Samuel Kobina Annim further said they need to partner with the media to help them with the 2021 activities of the Ghana Statistical Services because the novel COVID-19 has also distracted a lot and so many people needs to be educated to understand how their activities are to be carried out.
He further said the media is one of the powerful channels they (GSS) can pass through to engage with the people always.
Mr. William Addo who is the publicity, education and advocacy officer at the GSS also highlighted on the background of the 2021 Population and Housing Census said the Act 2019 (Act 1003) is the law that backs the Ghana Statistical Services to carry out their activities.
He added the law makes it clear any information taken by the GSS is not share with anybody and is to allow the whole country to know their population, essentially every ten (10) years.
He said is against the law to deny the GSS ones information and who every refuses to give out his or her information has gone against the law and maybe liable to imprisonment or fine.