The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Sawla – Tuna- Kalba constituency of the Savannah Region Hon Dari Chiwetey Andrews has donated two hundred (200) metallic dual desk to six schools in his constituency as well as a well furnised Information Communication Technology (ICT) laboratories to the Sawla St Monica Junior High School (JHS) and the Tuna Senior High/Technical School. Computer accessories such as printers, scanners, smart boards were part of the items donated.

The dual desks beneficiary schools are located in Sawla two
schools in Sawla District Assembly Primary and Changbalayiri Primary
as well as basic schools in Kunfusi,
Konkrope, Dornayiri among others.
In a brief handing over ceremony at Sawla the District capital, Hon. Andrews disclosed that a similar donation was made for some selected schools earlier this year.
He added that some teachers were selected to go to Accra for an intensive training in ICT. He used the opportunity to call for unity and effective collaboration between all stakeholders.
The MP equally pleaded with the constituents to exercise patience as development was a gradual process.
The MP said he donated the desks in view of the massive shortage of the furniture the Constituency and the country at large, and in appreciation of the importance of education to the development of his constituency. He said the desks will help alleviate the teething seating challenges that have engulfed schools in the Constituency and urge government and the private sector to also support in that regard.
The items were received by the Deputy Co-ordinating Director of the Sawla- Tuna- Kalba District Assembly Mr. Ibraihim Abu who equally presented them to the Ghana education service. The deputy director was happy and stated the donation by the MP would go a long way to reduce the demand for furniture in almost all the schools in the district. He said the Sawla- Tuna- Kalba District Assembly bought about 150 to 200 desks but they are still not sufficient and so.
Mr Iddisah Seidu who is the Human Resource Officer of the Ghana Education Service (GES) in the Sawla- Tuna- Kalba District and who represented the GES Director for the District said teaching best take place when pupils are comfortably seated. He called on individuals and NGO’s to continue to assist the Ghana Education
Present at the event was the National Democratic Congress (NDC) constituency Chairman, Alhaji Osman Salia and other constituency executives.
Source: Karley Maxwell Choco