He was a package from God
To a people who never knew
He was a gift from the good Lord
To a people who wanted something new
They called him names
They roasted him in flames
He was labelled a murderer
On him they poured an evil prayer
Some tagged him a thief
His dignity slain with a mysterious Ford
His family watched with grief
Then wept and left it all to God
The elite on the fence came down
They joined his slayer all over town
They rushed to the streets to occupy
Chanting his murdered names to the sky
They turned blind
To all the trees he planted
All they would have signed
Was for his ousting to be granted
So aided the coming of a talker
In whom the land finds no walker
Now a land battles worse than heat
No one is able to find their feet
The vilified King was gone
A land brought herself misery
For a King Promise was born
And a nation is cursed with wanton thievery
By Alhassan Rabiu (August 4, 2019)