Early Years
The nominated Chief of Sakpa, Sakpawura Dramani Soale was born in Sakpa located in the Bole area in 1957..
Growimg up Sakpawura Dramani was known to be intelligent so his father late Sakpawura Soale Tokoro ‘Kishi Mun Fo Bunyanso’ enrolled him into basic school at Seripe where his mother Fatima Kipo hails from. Sakpawura Dramani’s maternal grandfather Kipo Bun-yeni Garikor hails from the Ekpambo Tokoro family of Seripe.
After basic school Sakpawura Dramani’s uncle Alhaji Mahama Salifu who was a Transport Owner took him from his father (Sakpawura Soale Tokoro) to Bole for training as a Driver.
Sakpawura As A Professional Driver
Sakpawura Dramani became a Professional Driver at a young age so he was called ‘Driver Kitiwa’ (Small Driver).
After Driving his uncle Alhaji Mahama Salifu’s cargo trucks for some years, he was able to buy his own cargo truck and decided to use ‘Mpaebo’ (Prayers) as his sign board. As a result many used to call him ‘Mpaebo’.

Mustapha (Agya Adu Kofi’s son).
Sakpawura Dramani is currently the Chairman of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union of the Trades Union (GPRTU of TUC) for the Bole District since till date.
Northern Region Senior Citizen Award
In July, 2018 Sakpawura Dramani received a Senior Citizen Award from the Northern Regional Coordinating Council. A citation signed by the then Northern Regional Minister in honour of Senior Citizens reads;
“You dedicated your life as a Community Elder during which you rendered invaluable services to the state
On this occasion of 58th Republic Day Celebration, the Northern Regional Coordinating Council has selected to honour and show the state’s appreciation to you and in recognition of your outstanding contribution. stewardship and dedicated service tothe people of Bole District, Northern Region. the Republic of Ghana and Humanity in general during your active working life.
During the long years of service you exhibited hard work, honesty and high level of integrity.
The Regional Coordinating Council is awarding you with a souvenir as a token of appreciation to you as a Senior Citizen who contributed immensely to the development of Ghana”.

Religious Man
Sakpawura Dramani is known to be very Religious. He sid not only build a Mosque at his house which has a bigcongregation; he alsonembarked on Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajja) and after coming back decided to learn the Quran, graduating a year later.

Chieftaincy Journey
The nominated Sakpawura Dramani is a son of late Sakpawura Soale Tokoro ‘Kishi Mun Fo Bunyanso’ making him a Royal of Sakpa.
He was enskined as Tompe- wura of Sakpa Area in 2019.
Nomination as Sakpawura
On Thursday 4th January, 2024, the Traditional Vice-President of the Gonja State Sonyowura Adamu Kanyiti (I) in accordance to the traditions of Sakpa and Gonja nominated Tompe-wura Alhaji Dramani Soale as Sakpawura to succeed late Sakpawura Mumuni Bunya- asa Karabache (II) who passed on, on 26th December, 2023.
Present at the Sonyowura’s Palace was the Beu- wura of Gonja state and other Chiefs of the Sonyo Traditional as well as members of the three (3) Chieftaincy gates of Sakpa.
Settling on Tompe-wura Dramani, the Sonyowura invited the Kajumuwura of Sakpa to explain how the Chieftaincy families of Sakpa follow each other.
The Kajumuwura of Sakpa explained that the Chieftaincy gates of Sakpa are three and that was the Sakpawura Duah family, the Sakpawura Karabache family and the Sakpawura Soale family.
The Sonyowura asked three times and the Kajumuwura repeated his message that it is the Sakpawura Soale family that is next.
The Sonyowura told the Sakpawura Soale family to go out and settle on one of their members and they did go out to select Tompe-wura Alhaji Dramani Soale.
After they returned Sonyowura entreated the nominated Sakpawura to unite the Chieftaincy gates at Sakpa.
He gave the other gates patience and told them to support the nominated Sakpawura.

_Role of Sakpawura in Gonja_
Even though Sakpa is in the Bole Area, every Sakpawura is directly under the King and Overlord of Gonja (Yagbonwura).
The Sakpawura is one of Council of Elders or Counsellor of the Yagbonwura with the others being the Choruwura, Beu- wura, Kakulasewura and Tariwura.

Source: nkilgifmonline.com