The Assemblyman for the DASS Electoral Area in Damongo township has fixed streetlights and also embarked on some development projects in his area.
Speaking to Bole based Nkilgi FM the DASS Electoral area Assemblyman Abukari Mugis Nbegamsi said he promised the people of the Electoral area he will fix a lot of problems facing the electoral area when elected and has started solving some of the problems.
Hon. Mbegamsi said he wrote to the West Gonja Municipal Assembly to support him with street light bulbs to replace those that are not functioning.
He said with the support of the assembly and other influential persons, he was able to secure 25 of the street light bulbs which he fixed on the Damongo Senior High school road and also the inside of the school.

He said he has also solved some erosion problems through Communal labour and has repaired boreholes in the area which is providing portable drinking water for the area.
He stated further that Broto which forms part of the DASS electoral area is seeing the construction of a CHPs compound through his efforts of lobbying abilities and again assured the people of Bobonto that he is making efforts to construct a foot bridge to enable the people in that area cross to the other side without much difficulty.
He said Dapalakurah, one of the communities in his electoral area will be connected to the national electricity grid soon as he is in talks with stakeholders to help fix lights for the inhabitants.