Local News:A Non- governmental Organisation (NGO) called Care for Deprived Communities
(CDC) which is operating in Bole and Sawla-Tuna- Kalba Districts for the
past twenty (20) years with support from donors like Ghana Aids
Commission, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food
Programme (WFP), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the National
Tubaculosis Programme (NTP) has successfully implemented projects under
Health, Environment, among others in two districts in the Savannah
Region of the country.

Speaking at a town Hall meeting at Tuna in the Sawla- Tuna- Kalba District covered by Nkilgi Fm, Mr Tomah John Kanyiti who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Care for Deprived Communities (CDC) said the NGO CDC is currently implementing an anti child trafficking as well as Accountability, Transparency and also participation in local government activities sponsored by DKA Austria and CDD respectively.
DKA Austria works together with church-based and non-church related organisations of the civil society and is committed to preventing and combating corruption in all areas of its work while he Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit research and advocacy institute dedicated to promoting democracy, good governance and economic openness throughout Ghana and the African continent.
Mr Tomah John Kanyiti said the town hall meetings will bridge the gap between the citizens, District Assembly, the Service Providers and other Decentralized Departments within the Sawla Tuna Kalba District.
He said their main area of concern for now are children drops out od school and go to big cities like Accra an Kumasi to back to the classroom.
Mr Abu Ibrahim a Deputy coordinating Director of the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District on behalf of the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the district acknowledge the presence of all participants and commended CDC for assisting the district assembly to come closer to the people it serves.
He said the Sawla- Tuna- Kalba District assembly can not do all hence the need for all to support them to deliver.