The Muslim Community in Damongo town in the Savannah Region on Monday 12th August, 2024, offered special prayer known as Salat Al- Istisqa, which is a special Islamic prayer seeking divine intervention in times of drought.

The purpose of the Damongo Salat Al- Istisqa prayers is to seek Allah’s forgiveness and pleasure to grant Gonjaland (Savannah Region) and beyond beneficial rain.

The Yagbon Imam (Supreme Imam of Gonja Kingdom) Sheik Alhaji Kassim Abdulai in a sermon reminded the people of the Savannah Region that there is no way God can be merciful to us if we don’t clean our hearts and seek for forgiveness from one another since many of us have loads of issues against the people we are living with.

He said the entire Savannah Region must observe similar prayers for Allah’s mercies to be bestowed on us in the region.

Many farmlands across the region are in serious crisis as for over one month, the region has not experienced rainfal.

This is the season for farming, with over 90% of the population in the region engaged in farming as the main occupation of the people.

The Savannah Region is predominantly a farming area and contributes significantly to the food basket of Ghana, and farming is at risk as heavy drought causes crops to dry up.

Animals are not left out as grasses are also dying as a result of the lack of rainfall in the region.
