The King and Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale (I) has appealed to the Minister for Chieftaincy nd Religious Affairs Hon Asamoah Boateng to immediately transfer the Registrar of the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs Mr Abutu Kapori to a different location since he can no longer work with him.

The Yagbonwura made the appeal on Friday 2nd August, 2024 when the Minster of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs was at his Palace to intercede on the ban placed on the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Damongo constituency Hon. Samuel Abu Jinapor not to visit or lead any government delegation to any of the Palaces in the Gonja Kingdom.

The Yagbonwura gave three main reasons why Mr Abutu Kapori should leave the Savannah Region immediately.

Speaking though his Linguist, the Gonja Overlord indicated that cattle belonging to the Jakpa Palace was never disclosed to him ever since he ascended the Gonja throne until the animals destroyed someone’s farm that he was told by Mr Kapori. He also mentioned te issue of a motorbike that the Registrar of the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs kept in his custody until it was stolen before he was told.

On Abu Jinapor, the Yagbonwura accepted the Damongo MP’s apology which was done on his behalf by the Sonyowura, Mankpanwura, Kpembewura among other chiefs with a call on politicians to respect tradition.

The Overlord of Gonja also used the opportunity to warn especially the youth to be mindful of their utterances since Hon. Jinapor’s own will be better than the next victim.

The Minister for Chieftaincy an Religious Affairs affairs Hon Asamoah Boateng on behalf of President Nana Akufo-Addo thanked the Yagbonwura and assured him that every request put before him would be looked into.

He also mentioned a pledge by the Damongo MP and Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Hon Samuel Abu Jinapor to respect Yagbonwura since he is a royal and that he (Hon Jonapor) will do everything possible to respect tradition.

It would be recalled that in July last month, the MP for the Damongo constituency and Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon Samuel Abu Jinapor was banned by the Gonja Traditional area following accusations of interfering in chieftaincy issues and an alleged disrespect of the Paramount chief of the Gonjaland, Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale I. The directive meant that the Minister was restricted from entering all palaces within the kingdom.

At a press conference, the Yagbonwura’s interpreters emphasized the gravity of the situation and demanded an unqualified apology.

However Hon Samuel Abu Jinapor denied the allegations arguing that he was not innocent of the allegations levelled against him.

Following the impasse, a government delegation made up of the National Security Minister, the Savannah Regional Minister, and other top government to mediate and beg for forgiveness on behalf of the Damango MP.

The government delegation had a breakthrough and finality brought finality to the matter after Hon. Jinapor explained his side of the story with the minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Hon. Stephen Asamoah Boateng was grateful to the Yagbonwura for resolving the situation.
