The Gonja Traditional Council has held a meeting at Buipe yesterday 3rd October, 2019 to find ways of assisting the Wasipe Traditional Council to get a Chief for the Yazori Skin of the Wasipe Traditional Area of Gonja.
The Council under the leadership of the King and Overlord of Gonja, Yagbonwura Tuntumba Boresah (I) set up a Five Member Committee made of the Buipewura, Sonyowura, Damongowura, Kikpandewura and Tejepewura.
The Buipewura who is the Vice President of the Gonja Traditional Council and Chairman of the Committee confirmed the meeting in a short message that said;

“Yesterday 3rd. Oct. 2019, a Five member Committee of Elders of Gonja Kingdom comprising Sonyowura, Damongowura, Kikpandewura and Tejepewura Chaired by my good self sat on Yazore Cheiftancy matter of Wasipe”.
The Wasipe Traditional Area of Gonja has enjoyed total peace the past two decades and the Gonja Traditional Council see it as a duty to ensure Wasipe do not to explode over the Yazori skin following the passing on of Yazori Danbol early this year. The Wasipe skin is the entry skin to the Wasipe (Daboya) skin or paramountcy which is regarded as the first gate of the five skins that ascend the Yagbon Skin of the Gonja Skin.
The Wasipe Traditional Area has two major gates, that is the Hanga and the Tampulma gates and each of these two major gates have sub-gates that rotate within the major gates.
By the arrangement of Wasipe, the Hanga gate has three sub-gates which are the Tikpirpe, Jakpape and Anyamepe.
The Tampulma major gate on the other hand has three sub-gates which are the Aseipe and Takorape but the Kankranfope and Jintiripe have also argued they are sub-gates within the Tampulma gate.
At the well attended meeting that was charectised arguments and counter arguments, a decision was taken that Chiefs from the Aseipe sub-gate of Tampulma gate are not eligible to contest for the Yazori skin because the immediate late Yazoriwura Dambol was from the Aseipe sub-gate of the Tampulma major gate.
There were arguments that the Kankranfope and Jintiripe are not sub-gates but they also argued they are sub-gates from the Tampulma major gate.
It was decided both Kankranfope and Jintiripe sub-gates produce gazettes that entitled them to be sub-gates of the Tampulma major gate on 17th October, 2019 after which a decision will be taken.